We want you to feel welcome and right at home from the moment you come through the door. Our church is casual and is made up of young families, children and grandparents, along with singles. We have parking on two sides of the church. The main entrance is on the east side and an additional entrance is on the south side.
Stop at the Welcome Center straight ahead when you come in the main entrance and enjoy a cup of coffee upon arrival.
Sunday Gatherings
We have two worship services on Sunday mornings that begin with live music followed by an a relevant message from the Bible delivered by Ben Payne, our lead pastor. During the 10:30 am worship service we have Sunday School for all ages. The coffee pot is on and we have homemade cookies at the end of the first service and before the second service
What to Wear?
You can wear what makes you feel comfortable whether it’s blue jeans or a suit and tie. Be comfortable and be yourself!
We have an infant and toddler nursery during the 9:00 am worship service. We only have an infant nursery during the 10:30 worship service because their are Sunday School classes from toddlers on up.